...and you can try it all for 1 month for just…..$1.00
A Program For Every Goal...And Every Starting Point
From weight loss programs for beginners, to advanced programs for packing on muscle or extreme shredding, and everything in between, VSU has it.
Get a new cutting edge workout for your specific goal every month, plus step by step instructions and beginner to advanced dieting and workout tips, a new meal plan each month, and more.
New Monthly Workouts = New Results, No Plateaus

With VSU, you’ll receive a completely new workout you can do at the gym or at home every single month.
Don’t worry, these aren’t “one size fits all” either. Each workout is designed by Vince and our top trainers and each fitness goal has its own workout each month.
This means someone trying to lose a lot of weight won’t get the same workout as someone trying to stack on muscle.
Because keeping your body continually adapting to new challenges is the fastest way to build lean muscle or lose fat.
And it’s crucial that you follow a plan built around your fitness goal for maximum results in the shortest time.

We also know from helping hundreds of thousands of clients, people get bored doing the same workouts over and over.
To get long term results we need to shock your body and keep your mind in the game and constantly challenged as well.

New Monthly, Easy To Follow Diet Plans That Guarantee You 24/7, 365-Easy Diet Success
Never waste another second on the wrong diet...never be confused. We make it so simple and hand you a new diet plan each month based on your goal and starting point.
Need to Bulk Up with Lean, Powerful Muscle? VSU has monthly diets for you.
Need to transform from Skinny-Fat to Lean and Sexy? VSU diets will help you gain lean muscle while losing fat and reshaping your entire body.
Need to Shred Fat Fast? VSU has you covered every month.

The best part?
No matter what your body type is, there will be monthly diet plans that perfectly match your body transformation goals.
VIP Access to Your Team of Elite Fitness Experts
Want results now?
Want to also keep your results forever?
When you have continued access to some of the best trainers in the world to guide you, you’ll reach your goals faster… and keep your results forever
With 7-weekly Q & A sessions and Live Coaching Calls, you’ll never have to suffer through confusion, anxiety, or frustration again

Exclusive Access to Round-the-Clock Support and Individual Help and An Amazing Private Community
Over 97% of our most successful members consider this to be the most valuable piece of the puzzle when it comes to transforming their bodies.

Imagine how much faster, and long lasting, your results would be if you had 24/7 access to a team of professional trainers and a community of dedicated, helpful, supportive VSU members?

Unlike all the open-to-anyone Facebook Groups, your VSU group is Private, Members-Only, and 100% Positive Feedback Only (no trolls, no creeps, no negative-only anonymous keyboard assassins like the ones that dominate all of the open Facebook groups).
When you need your questions answered fast, or you want constructive feedback on your workout, diet, or your progress, you can turn to your VSU community anytime, night or day
Delicious Diet Hacks
Never waste another second feeling stranded on Diet Island!

Learn how to enjoy your favorite foods while you tone up, add muscle, or shred fat: VSU hooks you up with a ton of diet hacks to keep you losing fat and gaining lean muscle without feeling deprived.
Our most popular diet plans, like Ripped in 90-Days, Clean Bulk, or 90-Day Extreme, are powerful, professional designed diets.
But, during your 90-day program, and after you finish, you’ll need help figuring out:

Food Substitutions: learn how to choose the best foods for your body when you have to avoid food because of allergies, or simply can't (or won’t) eat something.
Complicated Calculations - as you lose or gain weight, your macronutrient ratios have to be adjusted. If you love doing math, this will be easy for you… but, if figuring out every calorie and carb gives you a headache, you can turn to your VSU support team to help you figure out exactly how many carbs, proteins, fats, and calories your body needs to succeed.
What to Do If You Fall Off the Diet Wagon - Holidays, birthday parties, a night out, or just a really bad day that led to a mini-binge… they happen to all of us. Rather than struggle to get back on track, you’ll have a support system to help you discover exactly what to do to minimize the damage, and actually use your diet mishaps to your advantage.
Need Help with Meal Prep? Preparing your meals properly is one of the most underrated, yet most important, keys to transforming your body. But, it’s not always easy… especially long term. Luckily, VSU has a ton of How-To Meal Prep videos, along with an ever-growing cache of Muscle-Growing, Fat-Shredding recipes to make transforming your body fun and easy
400% Faster (Long-Lasting) Results

Leading psychologists report that working with a support team, will help you reach your goals 4X’s faster than doing it alone… and your chances of long term success more than TRIPLE!
Add that to all the individual help you’ll receive and the customized-for-your-body type diet and training plans, and you’ll easily achieve your dream body 10X’s faster than if you try to do it alone.
Introducing Your New Steel-Strong Support System + Diet & Training Hacks That Guarantee You’ll Gain Access to the Secret Cheat Codes for 10X’s Faster Results:

V Shred University (VSU) is so jam-packed with cutting edge diet and workout info, fat-loss hacks, monthly workout and diet plans, How-To exercise videos, and lean muscle-building tips that it’s like getting your Masters in Muscle Shaping
VSU is your All-Access pass to a Private Membership that will keep you on the fast track to building your dream body
Why Try the 30-Day, $1 V Shred
University Membership Trial?
VSU is a monthly Private, Members-Only Fitness Lifestyle Guide designed to help you reach your goals faster than you ever dreamed possible, even if you’ve failed in the past
It’s tough to get into top shape these days.
Let’s face it, the world is not setup to help healthy lifestyles. You have probably dieted in the past. Maybe you’ve tried to pack on lean muscle. Maybe you’ve tried a million times in the past and failed every time...
Don’t worry, it’s not your fault!
99% of diet and exercise programs set you up to fail.
If you want to lose fat, they feed you a starvation diet.
If you want to gain muscle, they give you a workout that pro athletes
would have trouble finishing…
And, these programs offer you ZERO support
Did you know that studies have shown that the toughest days of a diet (for both bulking up and losing fat ) are days 7, 13, and… Day 1.
Yup. Day 1. If you’ve ever bailed on a diet on day one and felt ashamed for “breaking,” you’re not alone. Even if you start your first day full of fiery motivation, by 3pm your body is sending out SOS signals for sugar.
The cravings can be unbearable…
When this happens, almost all diet plans fail you.
There’s no one there to support you. No one to help you get past the worst of the sugar withdraws. No place to find tips for pushing through day 1, 7, 13 and beyond…
Same goes for building muscle. If you’re a few weeks into your bulking plan and you’re constantly sore, tired, and seeing no results, the e-book you bought won’t help you figure out how to fix your diet and training
But, VSU will help you transform your body
literally 10X’s faster because:
You’ll have access to our team of elite trainers who will answer your questions, and help you overcome your biggest challenges on your path to the body you’ve always wanted
Sick of the same old workouts? VSU gives you monthly workout plans. Did you know that boredom is the #2 reason that people quit diet and exercise programs? With your VSU monthly workouts, you’ll never be bored… and you’ll keep your body constantly adapting and making continual progress because each month’s workout is made for your body type

Need support? Tons of studies have showed that you’ll achieve your goals 4X’s faster when you work with a coach and support team… with VSU you have access to a Private Facebook Group full of our professional trainers, and your fellow VSU members who will help keep you accountable and serve as your steel safety net when you need help
Kill Cardio – Hate jogging? Does the thought of doing another spin class or other Cardio-Flavor-of-the-Month session make you want to quit altogether? An article in the Wall Street Journal called cardio “worse than cheeseburgers” for your heart health!
Guess what, inside your VSU membership you’ll find (constantly updated) hacks to help you never need to do traditional cardio ever again while shredding more fat that you ever thought possible
Every month you’ll receive a new diet plan. Use it as a follow-along, done-for-you monthly guide that will keep your body guessing, and absolutely kill diet boredom. This helps you make fast progress NOW… and long-term whether you’re trying to shred fat, build muscle, or both

Can’t Afford a $1000/Hr Personal Trainer? You don’t have to break the bank to get elite-level training advice from one of the country’s top fitness experts.
In fact, with your VSU membership you’ll be a part of
Live Monthly VIP Coaching Calls.
This alone would normally cost hundreds of dollars - but you get the VIP Coaching Calls, plus the monthly workouts, members-only Facebook Group, monthly diet plans, exclusive access to VSU’s world-class fitness experts, and cutting-edge cardio hacks - for just a Buck for the first 30-days, then it’s only $19.99/month – Guaranteed, risk-free, and you can cancel any time
But, the $1 Trial Offer ends soon, so hurry and claim your trial of VSU before it’s too late:
Why Will VSU Help You Succeed When Every Other Program Failed You in the Past?

Let me ask you a few questions:
Do you have the motivation to start a diet and workout program, but end up losing steam and quitting before you reach your goals?
Have you ever made great progress on a fitness program, then hit a wall where you couldn’t lose another ounce no matter how much you cut your calories?
…Or, your muscle growth came to a sudden, screeching halt without warning?
Have you ever been completely confused by your diet program?
Do you get diet anxiety every time you have to make a food substitution because of a food allergy, or because the diet demands you eat something that you absolutely hate?
Are you overwhelmed and frustrated when trying to choose the right workout program to lose fat, gain muscle, or both?
Are you totally sick and tired of working your ass off in the gym and having zero results to show for it?
You’re Not Alone Anymore
Hitting a plateau, or being confused about exactly what to do in the gym, and in the kitchen, are the #1 Body Transformation Killers.
This is why we started VSU!
After hundreds of emails from our readers asking us exactly what to do in the gym… exactly which foods to eat… and the exact steps to take to get their dream body, and maintain it forever…
And, after hearing hundreds more confess that confusion, hitting plateaus, and a total lack of support from their old diet and training programs made them so frustrated that they simply quit trying…
We decided to launch VSU so that hard-working, motivated, dedicated people just like you could finally stack the deck in your favor

Losing fat, gaining muscle, staying healthy, and changing your body from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow are all tough enough in today’s fast-food, fake-fitness food world
It’s about time that you had access to top trainers to help guide you, every step of the way, toward your goals
It’s about time that you had a support group to keep you accountable – this is a secret weapon of every successful fitness transformation
It’s about time that you had access to cutting edge fitness hacks that evolve with you… no going stale, no plateaus… when you have a constantly updated stream of fat loss and muscle sculpting info from the world’s top trainers, you can turn your body into a fat-burning, lean muscle building machine 24/7, 365
It’s about time that you can transform your body without spending a small fortune on trainers, worthless supplements, and diets that are designed to fail you!
With your VSU membership you’ll have access to everything – VIP Coaching Calls, Members-Only Facebook Support Group, Monthly Diet and Exercise Programs, Round-the-Clock Support, and a Never-Ending Stream of Shortcuts to Help You Finally Succeed Long-Term
Click Here to Lose Fat Faster, Gain Lean Muscle,and Keep Your Results Forever – For Just $1
*You’ll get 30-days of VSU for Just 1$. Then, your membership is only $19.99/month. You can cancel anytime, so you can enjoy all these benefits totally Risk-Free
After your 30-day, $1-trail to V Shred University, you’ll continue to receive your monthly workouts, monthly diet plans, VIP coaching calls, constantly updated info, and everything else that goes along with your private VSU membership for only $19.99/month.
We surveyed our members and over 97% of them said joining VSU was “one of the best decisions” they’ve ever made when it comes to finally achieving their dream body.
Why? Because they:

Discovered the secrets that the top experts keep for their high-price clients.
We spilled the beans in VSU and you get access to all of that top-level info (like how and when to eat “bad” foods to set their metabolism on fire… and keep it that way for months on end)
Learned Advanced-Level Diet and Exercise Skills That They Couldn’t Find Anywhere Else
The secret carb-blast diet trick that fitness models use to get ready for photo shoots
The 2 muscle-building mindset hacks that are absolutely essential for going from skinny to ripped in just a few months
How to Permanently Reverse your damaged metabolism… even if starvation diets wrecked your body’s ability to lose fat, VSU will show you hot
Finally Received the Diet, Exercise, Motivation, and Mindset Support They Always Deserved

E-books and most online fitness programs are nothing more than numbers on a page.
With VSU you not only get diet and training programs, but you also get a full support system filled with your fellow VSU members, our top trainers, all in a safe space that is 100% positive-only…
…No troll attacks when you post your before pictures, no keyboard warriors tearing apart your comments… we constantly supervise your private Facebook group to make sure there is ONLY constructive critique and positive support 100% of the time)
Made Continual, Year-Round vProgress
VSU members get cutting edge info that they can use to get results now… and keep progressing toward their goals long term. It’s also the perfect complement to our other programs like Ripped in 90-Days, Fat Loss Extreme, Clean Bulk, --- because it not only enhances those already killer programs, but it extends your 90-day kick-start into sustainable, long-term results

Isn’t it about time that you stopped struggling to get your dream body?
Isn’t it about time that you got all the advantages?
Isn’t it about time that you got the support team that will guarantee your success?
Well, now you can… for just $1!
Click Here To Try VSU For Just $1!
*You’ll get 30-days of VSU for Just 1$. Then, your membership is only $19.99/month. You can cancel anytime, so you can enjoy all these benefits totally Risk-Free
After your 30-day, $1-trail to V Shred University, you’ll continue to receive your monthly workouts, monthly diet plans, VIP coaching calls, constantly updated info, and everything else that goes along with your private VSU membership for only $19.99/month.